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Patient's Profile and Reports

All patients information is anonymized. If any account is closed the patient's information can not be recovered due to data inscription and privacy policies, unless the account is reactivated.

Required fields when creating the profile:

- On the Patients section, you can create a patient profile by clicking on New Patient.

8. Patients Profile and Reports 1 [EN]

- Select Add personal data now and inside fill in the required information highlighted in red: First name, last name and email address.

8. Patients Profile and Reports 1.1 [EN]

- Register the information by clicking on Create
- You can add extra information such as Personal data, Clinical data and associate the reports to the patient's profile.

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What the patient should expect:

We send an email to the patient informing them a profile has been created by you. That is the only communication the patients receive from our part. 


What to do if your patient doesn’t have an email address:

You can do the session without a profile, and (1) name the Report through keywords to be able to find it later or you can create the patient's profile through an (2) Alias without having to fill in the personal data.

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8. Patients Profile and Reports 1.0 [EN]

You can unlink the patient's profile to remove it. Once it’s removed you won’t be able to create a new profile with the same email address. 

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Children's profiles:

As per normal regulations, the profile should be created with the guardian's email address. 
For children under the age of 12, the date of birth should be the guardian's date of birth. 

* The information of minors should be entered according to the guidelines of your country. 


How to associate an existing report to a patients profile:

- Go to the Reports section

- Choose the Report you need to associate and click on Edit Report

- Choose the Patient you want to associate the report to. 

- Save the change. You will find the report in the patient's profile. 

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How to download reports:

- Once you are inside the report you wish to download, click on the print button:

- A new window will appear, where you need to choose Save as PDF, and then click on the Save button.
- You will have the option to choose where in your computer you want to download it.

8. Patients Profile and Reports 7 [EN]