Heatmaps are graphic representations in which the most visited areas of a virtual scene are differentiated by means of a color code. These representations are based on thermography. To interpret the color of the maps, you can consider them to represent:
- Red: high attention
- Green: some attention
- Blue: low attention
- No color: not explored/no attention
Amelia’s Heatmaps are meant to portray the orientation of the patient’s head inside virtual reality scenes. Using this method provides information on the user’s behavior while detecting which items inside of the scene are those most observed by the user.
In initial evaluations:
- HMs are a tool to provide information for the initial pre-intervention assessment.
- HMs will provide us with baseline information on user behavior in interaction with the virtual environment.
- They are a behavioral measure complementary to self-reported subjective measures and physiological measures.
- To establish therapeutic objectives and hypotheses and contrast them with the information provided by the HM.
- Compare the PHMs between sessions.
Where are the Heatmaps located in Amelia’s platform?
The heatmaps are found within the sessions reports, at the bottom of the report.
Range selector:
The final representation of a heatmap provides us with knowledge about how the patient behaved during a certain range of time. This time range may consist of an entire session or part of one. If you would like to filter the data to show only the information from a specific moment in the session or exposure, you can use the range selector bar to adjust the time frame that is being represented in the heatmap data. This can be particularly useful to evaluate your patient's reaction to particular stimuli or events.